
Monday, October 4, 2010

California Today; Hot as Fuck and Dank

I'm posting this from home after work. I've worked at a car dealership for the past month and I am really enjoying having a job after over a year without any form of income. I work mainly with a white guy named Grahm and a Mexican guy named Savijo. Today was 110 all day, VERY hot for where I live in Central CA where it is usually very mild. The best part of the day was when I was working with Savijo cleaning a car and he looked at me very funny, as if he was saying "dang its so hot out, I sure wish someone would squirt me in the face with nice cool water", to which I obliged.. Apparently the look he was trying to convey was "I need the hose to rinse this car". I tend to misread people a lot, I think it has something to do with my grandma and mom instilling the idea in me that I was "discerning" when I was young. I will often jump to conclusions from looks on peoples faces that are entirely wrong. The flip side to this however that is that when I am correct about faces it can be a great advantage on others who do not attempt to esoterically read peoples faces, like trying to read girls faces at high school. While my interpretations of faces are not always correct having this subconscious confidence in my ability to read people usually ends up being an asset or a prelude to hilarious events at school or work.

You know what else is great about having a job? Getting really fucking high right after you come home from work and posting delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol induced ramblings about my life.


  1. yeah dude i do the exact same thing....sometimes people get pissed off cus i read them exactly to what they are feeling

  2. dude it was raining in socal all damn day today. oh well. rain bowls for life man!

  3. You've got some good creativity in this blog!

  4. I smoke a bowl after work every day religiously lol.

  5. Hahaha, fuck I lol'd. "Give me that hose" and "spray me with that hose" are pretty similar anyway.

  6. Hahaha. That would probably be what I'd read on his face too.

    I am Fickle Cattle.

  7. hahaha hilarious! wetting a guy because you misinterpreted his look :D

  8. It was really fucking cold all day up in Humboldt. So on average, things were all right in the non-SoCal environments.

  9. I agree with the last paragraph.

  10. Rhode Islander here. None of that hot bullcrap.

    It's actually nicely in the sixties, here! =D

    Although, I am a recent migrant from California myself, so I know what you have to deal with.

  11. Hey! I can draw delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol....
    but not with txt.

    Keep smokin' bro.

